
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Jeff Molzow - White Cane Day
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Jeff Molzow is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, someone who helps teach adults who are blind and visually impaired to return to work successfully and effectively. Jeff has continuously pushed the envelope of his field via his passion for blind advocacy, combined with a strong background in technology.
Now Jeff is here to help us understand what White Cane Day is, and why it's such an important day for the blind community. You'll also hear from TSBVI student Michael Fulk, sharing his take on this holiday.
For more information about White Cane Day visit https://whitecaneday.org/

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Dr. Rosy Carranza -Teacher of Tomorrow
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Dr. Rosy Carranza facilitates the Teacher of Tomorrow Program with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). In this episode, Rosy shares her background, her expertise, and her passion surrounding the education of blind students and the educators who teach them.
To learn more about the Teacher of Tomorrow program visit https://nfb.org/programs-services/education/teachers-tomorrow

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
TSBVI & Texas Folklife
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Welcome back from the break! Just like you, we're slowly working our way back into the flow of the new school year. Today we're going to share with you a great collaboration some of our students participated in over the summer with Texas Folklife and their Stories from Deep in the Heart podcast series. Today you'll hear stories about Texas barbecue, haunted hotels, and the dark history of the famous moon towers throughout town.
Visit https://texasfolklife.org/ to learn more about Texas Folklife and to hear more from the Stories from Deep in the Heart podcast series.

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Getting in Touch With Literacy - Part 2
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
This episode we welcome back Dr. Cay Holbrook and Janie Blome, founders of the Getting Touch With Literacy conference. On the last episode they talked about the history of GITWL as well as how they are preparing to say farewell to the conference this December. This time we let them step up on the soapbox to discuss all things conference and blind education.
The Getting In Touch With Literacy conference will be held December 1-4, 2021 in St. Pete Beach, Florida. For more information on the conference visit http://www.gettingintouchwithliteracy.org/ and register now! If you have further questions feel free to contact Dr. Holbrook at cay.holbrook@ubc.ca or Janie Blome at janie.blome@att.net.
Now, after 2.5 years, 63 episodes, and ~23,700 downloads we are finally ready to take a short break from podcasting. In the meantime if you have questions or want to suggest topics for future episodes feel free to contact us at podcast@tsbvi.edu. Otherwise, we'll see you back here in September. Enjoy your summer!

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Getting in Touch With Literacy - Part 1
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
One thing we have all missed during the last 15 months has been the brainstorming and social interaction that come out of attending conferences in person. Helping us get back into the groove is one of our favorite conferences, Getting in Touch With Literacy. Joining us this week are founders of Getting in Touch With Literacy, Dr. Cay Holbrook and Janie Blome. They'll discuss the history of GITWL as well as how they are preparing to say farewell to the conference this December. They had so many things to say that we had to make this a two part episode. Look out for episode two June 15th.
For more information and to register for the 2021 Getting in Touch With Literacy conference visit http://www.gettingintouchwithliteracy.org/

Saturday May 15, 2021
Pat Pound - Activism
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
TSBVI Low Vision Specialist Dr. Cindy Bachofer guest-hosts this episode and speaks to her good friend Pat Pound, former director of Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center, Vice Chair on the National Council on Disability, director of the Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities, and longtime activist in the field of disability rights. Pat brings a wealth of knowledge about the work needed to bring about advances on the local, state, and federal level going back to the 1970s, leading up to the passage of the ADA and beyond. She continues her work even in retirement with Open Doors Organization. Her stories and motivational spirit point to the vigilance needed to advance the rights of the disabled long into the future.

Saturday May 01, 2021
Paths to Literacy - Charlotte Cushman
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
TSBVI is proud to have been one of the founders of one of the more indispensable resources for parents and teachers alike: Paths to Literacy. Emily speaks with Charlotte Cushman of Perkins and TSBVI- and then we hear from Cyral Miller, former Outreach Director at TSBVI- about the origins of the service and what it means to makers and users alike

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Superintendent Roundtable Episode Two
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Back for our second dose are Robert Hair from Maryland School for the Blind; Gina Ouellette from the California School for the Blind; and Scott McCallum from the Washington State School for the Blind to discuss the positive things we have learned about educating blind and visually impaired students during the pandemic and the things they are most looking forward to as we slowly move into the "new normal."

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Superintendent Roundtable - Episode One
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
While the pandemic has affected everyone in some way it hasn't affected everyone in the same way. Joining us this week we have asked superintendents Robert Hair from Maryland School for the Blind; Gina Ouellette from the California School for the Blind; and Scott McCallum from the Washington State School for the Blind who, along with our own Emily Coleman, will talk about safety, remote learning and how vaccines are changing the way we educate blind and visually impaired students across the country.
These effusive educators had so much to say this episode requires a booster. Join us for Episode 2 later this month.

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Jill Robbins-Silver: Audio Description for Theater
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
With the proliferation of streaming media- especially over the last year- many have become familiar with the audio describing services that companies make available for their visually impaired audiences. But- in a time and place when gathering in crowds is not a public health problem- the same applies to live theater (and some places you may never have thought about before). Jill Robbins-Silver joins Emily for a discussion about how she got into the line of work, its uses and procedures, and the value it brings to so many cultural experiences.
Links mentioned in this episode:
American Council of the Blind Audio Description Project

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Dr. Kirk Adams - AFB
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
In 1921 the American Foundation for the Blind was created to expand opportunities and access for people with vision loss. This week we're so lucky to have AFB President and CEO Dr. Kirk Adams joining us to talk about the history of the foundation, how they're celebrating their centennial and how they plan to use the next 100 years to expand opportunities for individuals who are blind and visually impaired.
For more information on the American Foundation for the Blind visit https://www.afb.org/.

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Paul Schroeder - Public Advocacy and APH
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Paul Schroeder heads up the American Printing House for the Blind's efforts in government affairs in his new position at that venerated organization. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience dating back to the earlier days of government advocacy which found him on the White House lawn for the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. He speaks with Emily today about some of those experiences and how we can better advocate for our students and children in this changing world.
Links referenced in this episode:
American Printing House for the Blind

Monday Feb 01, 2021
April Love - The Oregon Project
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Almost all of us who have worked with visually impaired students in early childhood know about the Oregon Project. Created in the 70's by Mark Moskowitz the OR Project is a great tool for parents, teachers, vision specialists, and counselors. April Love from the Southern Oregon Education District and home to the Oregon Project joins us this week to tell us all about it. Also, TSBVI Curriculum Director Debra Sewell comes along to tell us about how we use the Oregon Project here in Texas.
To find out more about the Oregon Project visit https://www.soesd.k12.or.us/special-education/or-project/
For ordering information visit https://www.soesd.k12.or.us/oregon-online/

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Dr. Rachel Schles - Accurate Child Counting
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Perhaps the most important factor in providing services to our students with visual impairment or who are Deafblind is knowing how many of them there are in a given state or district. This duty falls to state education departments down to the most local level. Texas has its own particular way of gathering this information and is currently in the midst of its Registration of Students with Visual Impairment and the Deafblind Child Count. In this episode, Emily speaks with Vanderbilt University's Dr. Rachel Schles, the recipient of the DVIDB Deborah D. Hatton Dissertation of 2021 Award. Dr. Schles has dedicated her work to the ways we collect this data and how it can be improved to deliver the most accurate and helpful information. Her work continues and she invites anyone interested to contact her at her at rachel.schles@vanderbilt.edu to either contribute information or access her findings so they can advocate for their home states and districts.
Afterwards, we hear from TSBVI Outreach's Brian Sobeck, who heads up the annual effort in Texas. He has some changes that have been implemented this year and some tips for completing the registration. If you're in Texas and need help, please don't hesitate to contact him at sobeckb@tsbvi.edu.

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Emily Gibbs - NFB of Texas
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
2021 will hopefully bring a return to some form of normalcy but some things we learned in 2020 will help us become better educators going forward. Emily Gibbs of NFB (National Federation of the Blind) Texas joins us to discuss some of the innovative ideas, and some of the challenges, in helping students across Texas access the resources they need during a global pandemic.
If you'd like more information on NFB Texas please visit their website https://nfbtx.org/ or the Texas Parents of Blind Children facebook group.